Sunday, May 27, 2007


when the comelec said "indelible", they really meant it down to the last detail. It's been a week and a half since I voted, still the mark on my finger showed no sign of fading. The damn ink's still stuck on my nails like it had been with me since birth. Three years ago, i had the ink for only four days. . . it was a short four days. I could show it off without fear that someone might mistake my hand for a body part hammered by a giant rock. So maybe i was exaggerating and there are millions of Filipinos like myself who are in the same predicament, but who cares . . . THIS IS NOT THEIR FINGER!

Last night was a useless drag. There i was lying on my bed when i found myself sweating. Sure it was hot and i was thirsty. Nevertheless, the lazy overbearing me, wouldn't allow itself to stand up and satisy itself. So i just lied there and tolerated everything that mr. atmosphere unleashed on me. . . . that was until i started hallucinating after a cold glass of cola on a hot, dry desert. My mouth began tense and I quickly stood up and headed for the ref. Of course there was no cola, only orange juice. So i got myself a glass of cold water and did not think twice NOT putting the juice powder unto it (i hate orange juice). Then i went to bed.


kazuya014 said...

hi James! ahehehe

XD yeah the ink is still on my finger...damn ink... -.-

anyway, ahehehe naa na jud ka blog XD add ko sa links nmo.. :D

Ira Melizia said...

elow!! ^_^

James said...

ello ira. and yeah kate, the mark's still on my finger. wanna help me get rid of it via pliers? :D